Heard it in passing,”My CEO has one goal and that is to retain people, but if the morale is down he does not care because he knows that people will not quit the job, as there are fewer jobs available in the market”. “Why do companies that make huge profits pay their Representatives the lowest wages?” “Why is it acceptable for all the Managers to be off on Fridays and Saturdays, but the others will have to work?” The list goes on and can go on, however, this is an epidemic all throughout most of corporate arena.
How do you resolve this? You ask. You can resolve this by managing upward… No boss is so superior that a wrong doing can not be brought to their attention. How you do it is more important than what you do.
How do you resolve this? You ask. You can resolve this by managing upward… No boss is so superior that a wrong doing can not be brought to their attention. How you do it is more important than what you do.
- Don’t be intimidated by the bosses. After all, they are the same as you and I.
- Just as the bosses try to understand what motivates you, try finding out what motivates them.
- If they can not stand the wrong doing, ask them if that rule applies to you and that they ought to know you don’t stand the ill from others either.
- Don’t give credence to the motto: Rule Number 1: The boss is always right.
- Continue fulfilling and exceeding your responsibility to the fullest and they know they MUST leave you alone.
It sounds easier said than done? Go on, give it just one try and you will reckon that it is easier done than said.